Sunday, November 13, 2011

Zombie Knight [game]

oke-7 | RPG beat'em up games. Betrayed by the king, your quest is to Avenge your death and thedeath of your download. Customize your characters by equipping armors, shields, swordsand special skills, and then go into battle!
Spoiler for review:

Mini games are cool by ane, Zombie Knight name newest release dated May 8, 2011, sostill pretty brand new.

We become a knight against some troops from various ethnic / racial nation, we can also have great items for our dependent we are also fortunate failure by what is not, becausethe items that are traded are not as good as the items are obtained when we win a roundor where ever we conquered.

screenshot :

In addition to those items that makes interesting, in this game there is also a skill that we can get by buying, we get the money, gold by winning a round or get from the drop-dropanwe kill his opponents, so it was really cool .

Then there is also a feature awards, if ane-ane has completed all, definitely get allawardsnya.
So the game was also a level, at the beginning of the level is obviously very easy as well as increases to the final level is insane, but according to ane if we already have items that are pretty and have good skills it's easy in-easy ane wrote.

download file

mirror download 

Thanks for download...

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