oke-7 | translator xp enterprise sentence translator software two directions from indonesian to english and on the contrary.
translator xp programminged to do sentence translating according to word analysis per word with try to approach language rule norm actually. translator xp will check type of word connection between words close to one another. therefore in every the database, every word always ended with sign (b), (k), (v), (t), (g) or (s) actually explain type of word concerned (noun, adverb, verb, indicator word, pronoun or character word).
translator xp enterprise can to distinguish 5 tenses principal often used to like present, present perfect, past, future and present continous, good to mobile sentence also passive for positive pattern, negative and interogatif.
translator xp also support alternative meaning, idiom verification and language spesification (english for example for computer, english for technique, etc)
translator xp also prepare several facilities pedagogical, we destine for you that want to study english according to more deepen. that facilities is dictionary for example that can be added the sentence example, gamete, and text to voice converter
fitur important:
1. tall accuracy level at the (time) of sentence translating
2. translation speed achieves 800 character/second
3. built in grammar (tenses, mobile/passive sentence, gerund, interrogative sentence, etc)
4. support idiom (up to 4 level)s
5. there phrase database for translating per phrase
6. translation two directions (language inggris-bahasa indonesia and language indonesia-bahasa english)
7. there word dictionary for word livelihood quickly. also espoused sentence example
8. there menu text to voice converter
9. support english translating with english for example special spesification for computer, english for technique, etc
10. there education gamete
type of word
type of word is component importantest in translator xp. if you want to add new word into database, you must choose type of word that provided translator xp.
those type of word
1. adverb (the simbol k):
the example now, yesterday, ago, now, a while ago, yesterday, later, tommorow
2. indicator word (the simbol t)
the example this, that, those, these, this, that
3. noun (the simbol b)
the example dog, paint, chair, cat, dog, table
4. verb (the simbol v)
the example eat, go, come, eat, go, come
5. adjective (the simbol s)
the example white, red, new, dangerous, white, dangerous, new
6. pronoun (the simbol g)
our the example, you, i, he, we, you, i, he
correct type of word election determines translation accuracy.
as pilot, follow type of word connection pattern in translator xp that position reversal
1. for language indonesia-inggris
word benda-kata thing: strongbox = iron cupboard
word benda-kata indicator: cupboard ini=this cupboard
word benda-kata character: cupboard baru=new cupboard
word benda-kata change: cupboard saya=my cupboard
word sifat-kata character: red putih=white red
for other type of word connection permanent the position
2. for language inggris-indonesia
word benda-kata thing: friend house =rumah friend
word sifat-kata thing: new house=rumah new
word sifat-kata character: white red=merah white
word penunjuk-kata thing: this is house=rumah this
for other type of word connection permanent the position
result accuracy
translating result accuracy translator xp can you arrange as according to your willing. you live menu clicking tool? option? conversion.
1. choose optimal translation accuracy or normal translation accuracy.
2. choose to translate in sequence word or translate to approach original language norm
3. tick off idiom cheque choice if need
4. tick off phrase cheque choice if need
add word
if you want to add new word into database. please click menu translator? database? add word. afterwards type word that want you add (in field word), then type also word meaning (in field meaning) and choose appropriate type of word (in field combobox). latest press button adds.
translator xp support 5 tenses principal often used that is present, present perfect, future, present continue and past.
translator xp also support mobile sentence translating and passive for positive pattern, negative and interogatif.
1. i buy luxurious house for my wife = i am buy luxurious house for my is wife
2. luxurious house is bought me for wife saya= luxurious house is bought me for my wife
3. i have just bought new car for father saya=i has just bought new car for my father
4. uncle house has been sold to that plutocrat =uncle house has been sold to that rich person
5. shall we go to visit your well wisher besok= shall we go to visit your good friend tommorow
translator xp mempu read word idiom up to 4 levels.
nice to meet you = glad meet you
how do you do = how are you
good morning = good morning
for new idiom increasing into database. click menu translator? database? add idiom. afterwards in field idiom types idiom that want you add (example nice to meet you). then in field meaning types idiom meaning (glad example meets you) and choose appropriate type of word (in field combobox). latest press button adds.
alternative word
majority existing word in has several pharmacy for example word meanings with comparison he said pharmacy or menypensary.
if you want to look for or display alternative meaning from word that translated there 2 manners that can be done, click tool? option? display;
1. if you activate option only give colour for alternative word
so whenever translating finished, meaning block from example translation result word pharmacy (translation result from pharmacy). then click mouse right. if your manner is true, so automatically translator xp will add menu “arti lain” meaning alternative containing from that word (menypensary). you also can give colour in alternative this word with choose colour choice available in menu translator? option? display? colour for alternative word.
2. if you activate option display alternative word
automatically translator xp display alternative meaning besides meaning predominantly example pharmacy [menypensary
language spesification
special for english, translator xp prepare translating follows language spesification. according to default there 2 choices available that is standards english and english for computer.
if you want to add other english spesification english for example for technique or english for accountancy, first time activate formerly option activates english spesification in menu tool? option? setting.
menctionary that provided translator xp good also the idiom resembles such as those which has software linguist. only besides full word comparison and kind he said, in several words or idiom is given also the sentence example.
for livelihood, you can type word or idiom that want you look for in field word. then press button find.
about option
in general there 3 categories option that provided that is
1. conversion
use optimal translation accuracy. click this option if you want translation process can do phrase cheque
use normal translation accuracy. click this option if you want unnecessary translation process does phrase cheque
translate in sequence word. if you choose this menu so translating result genuinely is straightened appropriate existing word in notepad source
translate to approach original indonesia/language language norm. here's best translating result best you choose
idiom cheque. useful command translator xp to check idiom
phrase cheque. useful command translator xp to check phrase
activate temporary meaning. this menu also functioned to activate word origin tracking/livelihood facilities.
its way block one of [the] translation result word, then click mouse right. if your manner is true so will appear original word containing word origin menu from translation result word piece a while ago.
activate temporary database. this menu is to speeds up translating process
alternative meaning. what want to displayed or just given colour
2. display
word total cheque unknown. translator xp will tell what word total unknown.
display word unknown. translator xp will tell if there word unknown by not translate it or let word as according to origin he said
colour for alternative meaning. choose colour as according to your willing
colour for alternative word unknown. choose colour as according to your willing
3. setting
use microsoft agent. to text to voice converter by using characters funny
use voice text. to text to voice converter only by ear. tick off also this option if you want to use text to voice converter with language other like french, dutch, german, spain, etc
meaning synonym
functioned to look for word meaning synonym.
example for connection inggris-indonesia, you want to look for word everything in the english language means to take.
its way type word takes in field word meaning. and press button looks for. after a few moments translator xp will display the result that is takes, took, taken, grab, withdraw and withdrew
there 4 gametes that provided translator xp, that is:
1. word gamete,
2. idiom gamete,
3. word meaning gamete,
4. gamete spelling.
text to voice converter
choose english menu then type word/sentence in notepad available. after finished press button says or choose menu run? say.
word unnecessary translated
if you want there word unnecessary translated person name for example or popular term, enough add sign behind word whom you want.
sentence example: ann marry will marry with john fox's.
if without increasing, that sentence will translated to be: ann will get to get married with john fox.
but if added behind word marry and fox's so sentence ann marry will marry with john fox will translated to be:
ann marry will get with john fox's
besides translate b. english translator xp this also can translate several languages, mengantaranya:
1. prancis
2. german
3. dutch
4. italian
5. spain
6. portuguese
7. russia
8. japanese
9. madarin
10. arabian
11. indians
12. java
13. sundanese
14. minang
15. banjar
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