Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Photomatix Pro v4.1.3

oke-7 | photomatix pros v4.1.3 + patch key rein, photomatix a program that will expand dinamic reach from digital photo or film mempindai. if you ever fired tall contrast scene, you may be know broken the problem illuminates and lost it contrast in shadow. photomatix offered two manners to break this problem:

1. fuse explanation: unite to hitted photo differ be one picture with dinamic distance increases.

2. mapping tone: unfold highlight and shadow in a picture details hdr made from several eksposur. tone is mapped picture ready for printed while show distance is taken dinamic complete.


- keep in illumination device

- remember that a large part digital camera can auto-bracket at eksposur differ, you are unnecessary buys illumination expensive device and do hal-saat tall contrast scene picture taking. only activate auto exposure bracketing, and let photomatix unite your photo into a picture with dinamic distance is extended.

- save time at pos-pengolahan

- pros photomatix designed for productivity - automatic mixture, unlimited stacking, easy compared result and processing batch keep clock masking and layer work in picture editing program.

- take profit from 32-bit your picture whats you creat image 32-bit hdr at photoshop cs2 and can not get good conversion hdr? tone mapping photomatix tool can help.

- see to how with photoshop cs2 hdr conversion.

- big picture on cloudy a sunshine or cloudy sky blurred shadow usually produces dull photos.

- tool mapping tone photomatix pros can change them be besar-cari picture. investigate this picture for example.

- reduction eksposur fuse function photomatix pros unites amount of cage photo - this process equal with picture compiles tend to to decrease noise at picture that produced.

- also be hitted a panorama scene almost always tall contrast scene - you can not limit your display to only with brightness same moment panorama picture taking 360.

- with take be several eksposur opinion and processed them at photomatix pros, your panorama will display details either in dark region and bright from tkp.

download here

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